
Sunday, April 5, 2009

I Love/Hate HER!!!

Note - This is the debut short story.  

                                                            Karthick, Karthick, Karthick.. I need that balloon.
Ooie, you are not a kid. !?
Pleaseeeeeeee Karthick!!!

Who doesn’t fall for girlzz please??
And yes, Karthick did!!!
Red Color!!Heart Shape!!! - Harini shouted
Karthick hates Harini when she behaves Kidish. He scolds her to behave mature but every time he fails
His BP rises to peak, whenever he calls Harini to wake her up and listening to her meaning less apology for not getting up.It doesn’t end there. She used to shout at him for not waking her as soon as she gets up.

Much time he gets irritated when she overreacts for a small head ache or slight fever and silly complaints like “Karthick I look so fat” “My skin is becoming dark”

Yet, Kathick admired Harini’s each and every single move!!! Internally he loved all her activities. He loves to call her during early morning and dies to listen her excuses which was filled with infant voice

She must be her ultimate mother when it comes taking care of him.
On the other hand, when it comes to an argument or fight she was the lady bruce lee 

Days passed.
One day Karthick heart beat stopped for a while and immediately started beating fast when he heard the news that she is going US for 3 months. He made up his mind, and reached airport to give send off. He waved good bye to her and started back to his room. Suddenly he felt he was missing everything. He felt as if some one was holding his breath. He felt the entire world has become dark. That moment he realized he was in love with her.

He Smiled, He Cried.

He thought his life will be back in 3 months and can express his feel for her. The way he admired her childish activity, infant voice..etc etc. He turned on TV as soon as he reached room, to replace her thoughts.

Melody song remained of her, He tuned to News Channel
There came a FLASH NEWS!!!

Plane crash kills 31 in CHENNAI!!!
Oh that’s the flight which Harnini travelled. He went rushing to Airport and saw Harini name was in list.
Now harini is no more!!!
He wanted to tell her how much she means to her. But everything vanished.


We Never realise the value of people till they are with us. We start missing it as soon as it go away.
Please do value the people who are around you. Give them Time and Care.
Because you might wake up one day to realize that you have lost a diamond while you were too busy collecting stones

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Successfully completed one year in IBM

         Another Memorable day , ,

     Today is a memorable day in my life.
I successfully Completed 1year in IBM(1 year of IT exp). Surprising thing was my dad and mom remembered this day and they wished me.

I wished all my colleagues (i would like to say my MS Class mates rather than colleagues) who joined with me.
Could you guess what is my Gmail status ???

  "1 year, 365 days,52 weeks, 8760 hours, 525,600 minutes, 31,536,000 seconds successfully Completed in IBM"